Simple Fees For Big Ideas and Tight Budgets


Hourly Blocks

If you don't even know where to begin and are wondering about the difference between the forrest and the trees, a set of Hourly Blocks is the way to get started. 

Hire me for a 3 hour block and we'll sort through the options, set priorities, and find a path out of the woods and into action. 


Project Based Fees

I like flat fees. Instead of watching the clock, I like to work until you are satisfied. Tell me about the types of services you are looking for, I'll do a little research into your current situation, and I'll propose a reasonable flat rate that makes sense to us both.

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Monthly Retainers

When you need someone to be on deck to get it done, and you’re ready for a long-term commitment, let’s talk about a monthly retainer. With a six or twelve month commitment, we’ll develop a steady flow of progress, build good habits, and get you on the way to powering through the to-do list and leveling up your skills.